levitan.lucas: Genova, Staglieno, Camposanto - Panorama, Italy
levitan.lucas: Day of the Dead Russian Doll, Australia
levitan.lucas: Black Kites, 1997, Gabriel Orozco, Philadelphia Museum of Art, (sent from Germany)
levitan.lucas: Frankenstein & Marilyn Monroe, Yes, Brazil
levitan.lucas: La Pietà, 1498, Michelangelo, St. Peter's Basilica, Vatican City, Italy
levitan.lucas: Lemminkäinen's Mother, 1897, Akseli Gallen-Kallela, Finland
levitan.lucas: Stop Elephant trade, WWF, Australia
levitan.lucas: Subhuman Race, 1995 (album), Skid Row (band), USA
levitan.lucas: Guernica, 1937, Pablo Picasso, Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia, Madrid, Spain
levitan.lucas: Sidi Lakhdar Ben Khlouf (poet, 1479- 1585) Mausolée, Algeria
levitan.lucas: The Washing of the Body, 1772, The Cycle of paintings of the Prague Burial Society, Prague Jewish Museum, Czech Republic
levitan.lucas: Annual Prayer of Member of the Burial Society at the Grave of Rabbi Loew, 1835, The Cycle of paintings of the Prague Burial Society, Prague Jewish Museum, Czech Republic
levitan.lucas: Estação da Via Sacra de Aldo Locatelli, Igreja de São Pelegrino, Caxias do Sul, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
levitan.lucas: Juízo Final, Igreja de São Pelegrino, Caxias do Sul, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
levitan.lucas: Rita Hayworth (Actress), Where the Bodies Are postcard-book, USA