the mooremonkeys: Cicuta maculata
the mooremonkeys: Cicuta maculata
the mooremonkeys: Erigenia bulbosa
the mooremonkeys: Eryngium integrifolium
the mooremonkeys: Eryngium integrifolium
the mooremonkeys: Eryngium integrifolium
the mooremonkeys: Eryngium prostratum
the mooremonkeys: Eryngium prostratum
the mooremonkeys: Eryngium yuccifolium
the mooremonkeys: Limnosciadium pinnatum
the mooremonkeys: Osmorhiza Iongistylis
the mooremonkeys: Oxypolis rigidior
the mooremonkeys: Oxypolis rigidior
the mooremonkeys: Polytaenia nuttallii
the mooremonkeys: Polytaenia nuttallii
the mooremonkeys: Ptilimnium nodosum
the mooremonkeys: Ptilimnium nodosum
the mooremonkeys: Spermolepis echinata
the mooremonkeys: Spermolepis echinata
the mooremonkeys: Spermolepis echinata
the mooremonkeys: Taenidia integerrima