the mooremonkeys: Barbarea vulgaris
the mooremonkeys: Boechera missouriensis
the mooremonkeys: Cardamine angustata
the mooremonkeys: Cardamine bulbosa
the mooremonkeys: Cardamine bulbosa
the mooremonkeys: Cardamine bulbosa
the mooremonkeys: Cardamine bulbosa
the mooremonkeys: Cardamine concatenata
the mooremonkeys: Cardamine concatenata
the mooremonkeys: Cardamine dissecta
the mooremonkeys: Cardamine dissecta
the mooremonkeys: Cardamine hirsuta
the mooremonkeys: Diplotaxis muralis
the mooremonkeys: Diplotaxis muralis
the mooremonkeys: Diplotaxis muralis
the mooremonkeys: Draba cuneifolia
the mooremonkeys: Draba cuneifolia
the mooremonkeys: Draba cuneifolia
the mooremonkeys: Draba cuneifolia
the mooremonkeys: Erysimum capitatum
the mooremonkeys: Iodanthus pinnatifidus
the mooremonkeys: Iodanthus pinnatifidus
the mooremonkeys: Iodanthus pinnatifidus
the mooremonkeys: Iodanthus pinnatifidus
the mooremonkeys: Nasturtium officinale
the mooremonkeys: Physaria filiformis
the mooremonkeys: Physaria gracilis
the mooremonkeys: Physaria gracilis
the mooremonkeys: Selenia aurea
the mooremonkeys: Streptanthus hyacinthoides