the mooremonkeys:
Agalinis fasciculata
the mooremonkeys:
Anemone acutiloba
the mooremonkeys:
Anemone berlandieri
the mooremonkeys:
Anemone berlandieri
the mooremonkeys:
Anemone caroliniana
the mooremonkeys:
Astranthium ciliatum
the mooremonkeys:
Camassia angusta
the mooremonkeys:
Cirsium altissimum
the mooremonkeys:
Cirsium altissimum
the mooremonkeys:
Cirsium altissimum
the mooremonkeys:
Cirsium altissimum
the mooremonkeys:
Claytonia virginica
the mooremonkeys:
Claytonia virginica
the mooremonkeys:
Delphinium carolinianum subsp. carolinianum
the mooremonkeys:
Echinacea purpurea
the mooremonkeys:
Galearis spectabilis
the mooremonkeys:
Iris cristata
the mooremonkeys:
Lobelia cardinalis
the mooremonkeys:
Lobelia siphilitica
the mooremonkeys:
Phlox divaricata
the mooremonkeys:
Physostegia angustifolia
the mooremonkeys:
Polygala sanguinea
the mooremonkeys:
Prunella vulgaris
the mooremonkeys:
Scutellaria elliptica
the mooremonkeys:
Vernonia missurica
the mooremonkeys:
Viola palmata
the mooremonkeys:
Viola palmata
the mooremonkeys:
Viola pedata
the mooremonkeys:
Viola pedata
the mooremonkeys:
Hypoxis hirsuta