hmeyvalian: Autumn painted leaves…/Foglie dipinte d’autunno…/ Feuilles peintes aux couleurs d'automne…
hmeyvalian: A 25-cent commemorative coin embossing the effigy of Lieutenant Colonel Charles-Michel de Salaberry, the hero of the war of 1812 [Explored]
hmeyvalian: HMM # Hexagon collage game...
hmeyvalian: Stem, node and base of a tiny shot glass… Stelo, nodo e base di un bicchierino... Pied, nœud et base d'un tout petit verre à liqueur…
hmeyvalian: A Murano glass octopus among shells…Un polpo, vetro di Murano fra conchiglie... Une pieuvre, en verre de Murano parmi des coquillages...[Explored]
hmeyvalian: Seed mix in a spoon…Miscela di semi in un cucchiaio…Mélange de graines dans une cuillère…
hmeyvalian: Polished mineral stones…Pietre minerali levigate…
hmeyvalian: Simboli e miti delle perle…//Symbols and myths of pearls…
hmeyvalian: Un punto bisognerebbe sempre metterlo...// A point should always be put...//Il faut toujours mettre un point...
hmeyvalian: Fatta per volare leggera come il vento - Fait pour voler aussi léger que le vent...
hmeyvalian: "Macro Mondays" and "Keepsake"
hmeyvalian: Collana - Necklace / Macro Mondays and Beads [Explored]
hmeyvalian: Innario Liturgico Armeno 1911 - Small Hymnal book of Armenian Liturgy published in 1911
hmeyvalian: Quarzo rosa, verde e blu, pietre grezze – Quartz rough stones, Pink, blue and Green - Quartz rose, vert et bleu, pierres brutes… [Explored]
hmeyvalian: HMM # Assorted pastel pencils - Matite colori pastello
hmeyvalian: Mysteries of Blue…[Explored]
hmeyvalian: Fragrance diffuser in a bottle - Diffuseur de Parfum dans un flacon – Diffusore di fragranze in un flacone
hmeyvalian: Macro Mondays - Stitch
hmeyvalian: Macro Mondays, Small and Smaller & more...
hmeyvalian: HMM “Chain” [Explored]
hmeyvalian: Cordoncino per Occhiali - Eye glass strap - Sangle de lunettes
hmeyvalian: In colonna - Stack up - La colonne...[Explored]
hmeyvalian: Un cuore d'oro - Heart of gold - Un cœur d'or
hmeyvalian: Medical Tape
hmeyvalian: A little bird sitting on my Christmas tree chirping happily among the lighted branches wishes a Merry Christmas!
hmeyvalian: Christmas wrapping...
hmeyvalian: Leonidas Pocket Watch & Chronograph (About 1930-1935) [Explored]
hmeyvalian: Low Key and a silver chain!
hmeyvalian: A fountain pen to capture feelings and emotions
hmeyvalian: The enlightenment of a silver star