naruo0720: The Common Bluebottle
naruo0720: Bitter enemies in the same boat
naruo0720: Graphium sarpedon in flight around the Garlic chives
naruo0720: Peach blossoms with a visitor
naruo0720: Japanese Pussy Willow (salix gracilistyla)
naruo0720: Another world
naruo0720: Lock on to the hover fly until..
naruo0720: Incoming!
naruo0720: I can't wait till spring
naruo0720: Lovers' lane in a Globe Amaranth garden
naruo0720: Howdy
naruo0720: Poppy with an extra in macro
naruo0720: Large carpenter bee is flying at the blue anise sage
naruo0720: Thrilling short range shot of heron taking off
naruo0720: Gray Heron
naruo0720: A scramble for the bread crumbs thrown into the pond
naruo0720: Butterfly and flower
naruo0720: Date spot
naruo0720: Indian fritillary on Zinnia
naruo0720: Indian fritillary on Zinnia
naruo0720: Hoverfly on the dandelion
naruo0720: catkins 2
naruo0720: Substitute World War Ⅲ
naruo0720: Thank you for 700,000 views
naruo0720: Agapanthus & Hydrangea & a Papilio protenor
naruo0720: Peach Blossom and Honey honey bees
naruo0720: Be good for a while!
naruo0720: Japanese Iris
naruo0720: Collaboration between Japanese Ume and White-eye