naruo0720: Osteospermum
naruo0720: Sweet dreams!
naruo0720: neatness
naruo0720: Narcissuses
naruo0720: A peaceful time
naruo0720: A flower
naruo0720: A Japanese beauty
naruo0720: one-petaled ume with red blossoms
naruo0720: Great fun enjoying viewing white-eyes for the Japanese
naruo0720: cyclamen with droplets-1
naruo0720: zinnia 2
naruo0720: catkins 2
naruo0720: primula
naruo0720: tulips
naruo0720: Peach blossoms with a visitor
naruo0720: Peach blossoms with a white-eye
naruo0720: Peach blossoms
naruo0720: Flowering cabbage
naruo0720: marguerite with a hoverfly
naruo0720: Look at this gorgeous flower!
naruo0720: grape hyacinth
naruo0720: grape hyacinth-2
naruo0720: Purple Wonderland
naruo0720: Primula-yellow
naruo0720: Gazania
naruo0720: A bunch of pretty flowers 2
naruo0720: Clematis
naruo0720: Japanese red witch hazel
naruo0720: Chamomile
naruo0720: Kalanchoe