allen.gontz: Lovells Island eroding drumlin
allen.gontz: Lovells Island eroding bluff
allen.gontz: Easton Beach west end flight
allen.gontz: Easton Beach looking east
allen.gontz: Easton Beach looking west
allen.gontz: DJI Gallops Island Shoreline Flight
allen.gontz: Lovells Island washover
allen.gontz: Lovells Island washover
allen.gontz: Lovells Island
allen.gontz: Looking along the seawall
allen.gontz: Quadcopter coming in for a landing
allen.gontz: DSC_0887
allen.gontz: DJI00013
allen.gontz: Construction Equipment on the ISC lawn
allen.gontz: Hard at work on the ISC lawn
allen.gontz: ISC atrium
allen.gontz: Spoil piles over Savin Hill Cove
allen.gontz: Making a better tomorrow, today
allen.gontz: Quadcopter shadow selfie
allen.gontz: Boulder Beach
allen.gontz: Lava flow plateau
allen.gontz: UNESCO World Heritage Vineyard Landscape
allen.gontz: LavaFlow
allen.gontz: Azores1
allen.gontz: AzoresWineCountry
allen.gontz: AzoresWine1
allen.gontz: Eastern Firebreak1
allen.gontz: Freshwater