ed.50: pink
ed.50: Animal Dancer
ed.50: art piece
ed.50: Adidas & ink
ed.50: alone at the bar
ed.50: orange
ed.50: the beauty of black & grey ink
ed.50: a man in Carmel
ed.50: inked & with shades
ed.50: Unnoticed
ed.50: ticket taker's ink
ed.50: stay free
ed.50: commitment
ed.50: see me . . . .
ed.50: incognito
ed.50: young woman with phone
ed.50: to be calm or cry?
ed.50: concentrating
ed.50: red cherries, black shoes
ed.50: sandles & ink
ed.50: distracted
ed.50: island daydreaming
ed.50: wearing whatever
ed.50: remembering
ed.50: friends