thescottish_exile: Deltics 55019 Royal Highland Fusileer, 9000 Royal Scots Grey
thescottish_exile: Deltics 55019 Royal Highland Fusileer, 9000 Royal Scots Grey
thescottish_exile: Royal Scots Grey
thescottish_exile: 47 715 named Haymarket this day
thescottish_exile: Haymarket's A4, 60009 Union of South Africa
thescottish_exile: 47 716 Duke of Edinburghs Award
thescottish_exile: Track Machines
thescottish_exile: Track Machines
thescottish_exile: Track Machines
thescottish_exile: 55 022 Royal Scots Grey
thescottish_exile: 150 001 working a Waverley-Haymarket open day shuttle service
thescottish_exile: 150 001 working a Waverley-Haymarket open day shuttle service
thescottish_exile: 150 001 working a Waverley-Haymarket open day shuttle service
thescottish_exile: 150 001 working a Waverley-Haymarket open day shuttle service