Pianojan: "Butter Butt"
Pianojan: Fudge Ripple
Pianojan: Apple Tree Visitor
Pianojan: Apple Tree Explorer
Pianojan: Apple tree visitor
Pianojan: Yellow-rumped Warbler (Audubon’s) ♂
Pianojan: Spot of yellow in the apple tree
Pianojan: Hmm, I'm sure there's worms in there...
Pianojan: Chipping Sparrow
Pianojan: Apple Tree Visitor
Pianojan: Frequent Visitor
Pianojan: Just One Apple Left
Pianojan: Eater of Apples
Pianojan: Colour in my Apple Tree
Pianojan: Bracing against the cold weather
Pianojan: Photo Shoot
Pianojan: Look Up
Pianojan: Flash of Colour
Pianojan: Golden-crowned Sparrow
Pianojan: Apple Tree Explorer
Pianojan: Apple Tree Visitor
Pianojan: New Home?
Pianojan: First of the Chippers
Pianojan: Newbie
Pianojan: Chin Up
Pianojan: Visitor to my apple tree
Pianojan: Pine Siskin
Pianojan: Mrs. Yellow-rumped Warbler
Pianojan: Golden-crowned Sparrow
Pianojan: Spring and yellow birds, yay!