Francis =Photography=:
Le lagon bleu
Francis =Photography=:
Κέρκυρα (Corfu)
Francis =Photography=:
Nage en eaux chaudes
Francis =Photography=:
Dans les ruelles de Corfou
Francis =Photography=:
À la recherche de l'ombre (Looking for the shade)
Francis =Photography=:
Un autre jour au Paradis (Another day in Paradise)
Francis =Photography=:
Francis =Photography=:
Parking fleuri
Francis =Photography=:
Francis =Photography=:
Un super héro en action ! (A superhero in action!)
Francis =Photography=:
Une journée de printemps en Mer Ionniene (A spring day in the Ionian Sea)
Francis =Photography=:
Francis =Photography=:
Envie de crème glacée ?