Ron Thill: Red-tailed Hawk - - Brantley State Park, NM/10
Ron Thill: Scaled Quail - - NM/10
Ron Thill: Dark-eyed Junco - - Carlsbad Caverns National Park, NM/10 (white-winged spp. found in NM)
Ron Thill: Cooper's Hawk - - Brantley State Park, NM/10
Ron Thill: Chipping Sparrow - - Brantley State Park, NM/10
Ron Thill: Scaled Quail - - NM/10
Ron Thill: Gambel's Quail (male) - - Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge, NM/10
Ron Thill: Red-tailed Hawk - - Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge, NM/10
Ron Thill: Black-billed Magpie - - Ridgway, CO/09
Ron Thill: Clark's Grebe - - Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge, UT/09
Ron Thill: Western Grebe - - Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge, UT/09
Ron Thill: Ringed-bill Gull - - Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge, UT/09
Ron Thill: White-crowned Sparrow (juv.) - - Okanogan Highlands, WA/09
Ron Thill: Yellow-rumped Warbler - - Okanogan Highlands, WA/09
Ron Thill: Yellow-rumped Warbler - - Okanogan Highlands, WA/09
Ron Thill: Yellow-rumped Warbler - - Okanogan Highlands, WA/09
Ron Thill: Mountain Bluebird - - Okanogan Highlands, WA/09
Ron Thill: Mountain Bluebird - - Okanogan Highlands, WA/09
Ron Thill: American Coot (juv.) - - Leader Lake, WA/09
Ron Thill: Pelagic Cormorant (ad. fem.) - - Yaquina Head, OR/08
Ron Thill: Brown Pelicans - - Cape Perpetua, OR/08
Ron Thill: Pelagic Cormorant (ad. m.) - - Bandon, OR/08
Ron Thill: Least Sandpiper - - Bandon, OR/08
Ron Thill: Western Gulls (juv.) - - Bandon, OR/08
Ron Thill: Cliff Swallow (juv.) in nest - - OR/08
Ron Thill: Common Nighthawk (male) - - The Narrows, OR/07
Ron Thill: American Pipit eating Chokecherry fruit - - Princeton OR/07
Ron Thill: American Pipit - - The Narrows, OR/07
Ron Thill: American Pipit (juv.) - - The Narrows, OR/07
Ron Thill: Red-tailed Hawk (juv.) - - Malheur NWR, OR/07