Ron Thill: Caterpillar Hunter (Ammophila spp.) with prey - - Brantley State Park, NM/10
Ron Thill: Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge, NM/10
Ron Thill: Mantis - - Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge, UT/09
Ron Thill: Mormon Cricket - - Cameron Lake Road, WA/09
Ron Thill: Heyburn, ID
Ron Thill: Honey bees flying to poppy bloom - - Heyburn ID/07
Ron Thill: Bumble Bee - - FS Road 422 southwest of Cuchara, CO/07
Ron Thill: Blister Beetle (family Meloides) - - Fort Garland CO/07
Ron Thill: Banded Longhorn Beetle (Typocerus velutinus) on Cone Flower - - NJ/07
Ron Thill: Grasshopper impaled on barb wire fence by Loggerhead Shrike and then wrapped in a spider's web
Ron Thill: Fishfly (Chauliodes spp.) - - Blackwater River S.P., FL/03. Males have feathery antennae
Ron Thill: Southeast Lubber on palm tree - - Big Cypress National Preserve, FL./04
Ron Thill: Wasp eating caterpillar - - Nacogdoches, TX/09
Ron Thill: Differential Grasshopper (Melanoplus differentials) - - TX/09
Ron Thill: Common Eastern Bumble Bee on Gerber Daisy - - Nacogdoches, TX/09
Ron Thill: Bumble Bee on Hollyhock - - Tucannon River Valley, southeast WA/07
Ron Thill: Longhorn beetle, possibly Yellow-Velvet Longhorn Beetle (Lepturobosca chrysocoma) - - near Conconully WA/08. Foraging on Pearly Everlasting (Anaphalis margaritacea)
Ron Thill: Bumblebee - - Cameron Lake Rd., Okanogan Co., WA/08
Ron Thill: Praying Mantis eating skipper butterfly - - Cameron Lake Rd., Okanogan Co., WA/08
Ron Thill: Grasshopper: possibly Thomas's Two-striped Grasshopper (Malanoplus thomasi) - - San Pedro Riparian National Conservation Area, Sierra Vista, AZ/10
Ron Thill: Agapostemon spp. on Hollyhock - - Tucannon River Valley, WA/07
Ron Thill: White-lined Bird Grasshopper (Schistocerca albolineata) - - San Pedro Riparian National Conservation Area, Sierra Vista, AZ/10
Ron Thill: Attractive bumblebee on thistle (possibly Cirsium neomexicanum) - - Madera Canyon, Santa Cruz Co., AZ/05
Ron Thill: Leaf-footed Bug (probably Acanthocephala thomasi) - - Florida Canyon, Santa Rita Mtns., Santa Cruz Co., AZ/05
Ron Thill: Bumble bee (possibly Bombus huntii) on Wandbloom/One-sidied Penstemon (Penstemon virgatus) - - Wood's Canyon Lake, Coconino Co., AZ/08
Ron Thill: Giant Mesquite Bugs (Thasus neocalifornicus) - - Whetstone, Cochise Co., AZ/08
Ron Thill: Red-femured Milkweed Borer (Tetraopes femoratus) eating milkweed bloom - - McNary Dam Nature Area, Umatilla, OR/07
Ron Thill: Bumble Bee (Bombus sp.) on Lantana - - Nacogdoches Co., TX/07
Ron Thill: Robber Fly (Promachus hinei) - - Nacogdoches Co., TX/08
Ron Thill: Sphex Wasp (Sphex flavovestitus) - - Nacogdoches Co., TX/09