ian.whitehead1406: Sunday, last of the light, back to the bar
ian.whitehead1406: Groudle Glen arrival - our loco for the day
ian.whitehead1406: Interesting shadows - glad we had some
ian.whitehead1406: ‘Otter’ outside
ian.whitehead1406: Ready for your close-up?
ian.whitehead1406: ‘Sea Lion’ out of ticket - bring on the Bear!
ian.whitehead1406: Pleasant morning - morning pleasantries
ian.whitehead1406: Lively morning at Lhen Coan
ian.whitehead1406: Nice day for it!
ian.whitehead1406: ‘Brown Bear’ running uphill to the sea
ian.whitehead1406: Scenic line
ian.whitehead1406: Train in the landscape - what a landscape!
ian.whitehead1406: ‘Brown Bear’ under a blue sky
ian.whitehead1406: Spring splendour at ‘Sea Lion Rocks'
ian.whitehead1406: Fair weather monochrome
ian.whitehead1406: ‘If you have height, use it'
ian.whitehead1406: Gorse, in shades of grey
ian.whitehead1406: Portrait of the Groudle Glen
ian.whitehead1406: ‘Hey, who ordered the cloud?'
ian.whitehead1406: ‘Brown Bear’ nearing the summit
ian.whitehead1406: Journey’s end
ian.whitehead1406: Back at Lhen Coan, make mine a pint!
ian.whitehead1406: Locos on parade
ian.whitehead1406: Having fun at Lhen Coan
ian.whitehead1406: Reversal of fortune
ian.whitehead1406: ‘Otter’ in focus
ian.whitehead1406: I predict, more sun this afternoon
ian.whitehead1406: ‘All aboard.’ We're going uphill to the sea, again
ian.whitehead1406: To pop or not, that is the question?