ian.whitehead1406: Boscarne Junction 1
ian.whitehead1406: Charlie's Gate 2
ian.whitehead1406: Boscarne Junction 2
ian.whitehead1406: Greyhound glint
ian.whitehead1406: Charlie's Gate 1
ian.whitehead1406: T9, no. 30120, bound for Bodmin Town
ian.whitehead1406: Barking up the bank
ian.whitehead1406: Bounding away from Boscarne
ian.whitehead1406: Scampering around the bend
ian.whitehead1406: Bodmin Parkway to Bodmin General
ian.whitehead1406: Claggy run at Charlies Gate
ian.whitehead1406: Charlies Gate panorama
ian.whitehead1406: Greyhound in black and white
ian.whitehead1406: Late afternoon exhaust
ian.whitehead1406: Out for a morning run
ian.whitehead1406: Early morning exhaust - Bodmin Railway
ian.whitehead1406: Steam leak, morning frost
ian.whitehead1406: T9, tree-lined, branch-line
ian.whitehead1406: Greyhound racing from Boscarne
ian.whitehead1406: Greyhound in light and shade
ian.whitehead1406: Boscarne Junction in black & white
ian.whitehead1406: Fixed leak, afternoon delight
ian.whitehead1406: Blue-sky Grey-hound
ian.whitehead1406: Boscarne Junction to Bodmin General