MiròTheDog: The White Lion
MiròTheDog: Reflection with esperpento
MiròTheDog: Nelson Monument
MiròTheDog: From Calton Hill
MiròTheDog: Duke of Wellington with his strange hat
MiròTheDog: Old Observatory
MiròTheDog: The National Monument of Scotland
MiròTheDog: Infinity black cabs line
MiròTheDog: currant red
MiròTheDog: Smashed windows
MiròTheDog: Strange hat
MiròTheDog: The Guardian was losing his patience.
MiròTheDog: Someone is calling
MiròTheDog: Calton hill
MiròTheDog: Calton Hill
MiròTheDog: Edimburgo
MiròTheDog: A kilt a bagpipes and a knife.