defly1979: Strip quilt. First project using a long arm machine with free hand design.
defly1979: UFO, Easy Street by Bonnie Hunter, this is the quilt that started it all
defly1979: UFO, rainbow super scrappy quilt, my design
defly1979: UFO, my own design but not really sure where to go from here
defly1979: Back of dancing 9 patch.
defly1979: UFO, pillow covers, Yellow Brick Road pattern, match 4 full size quilts made for a friend. 2 finished, 2 UFO
defly1979: Baby quilt, pattern is Yellow Brick Road, used flannel with minky on the back.
defly1979: Dancing 9 patch, all scraps
defly1979: UFO, rainbow, 12" blocks, need a lot more!