vaping moth man 1: orange tip
pchgorman: Bent Trillium
Cynthia Bridge: Fork-tailed Woodnymph, Wild Sumaco, Ecuador
Cynthia Bridge: Booted Racket-tail, female, Wild Sumaco, Ecuador
Frank.Vassen: Gemeine Langbauchschwebfliege (Xylota segnis), Parc du Rouge-Cloître, Forêt de Soignes, Brussels
ricardogentil: Marsh Seedeater /Sporophila palustris
Jeff Dyck: Black Skimmer Barrel Roll
pchgorman: Big Bluestem
Jeff Dyck: Perched Northern Goshawk
ricardogentil: Frilled Coquette / Frilled Coquette
Jeff Dyck: The Banking Gray Ghost
Frank.Vassen: Komma-Dickkopffalter (Hesperia comma), Elsenborn, Ostbelgien
SimonBrumby: Kissing Carp
Cynthia Bridge: Anna's Hummingbird tail feathers, female, Waterloo, Jefferson Co 15Nov2015 2
Cynthia Bridge: Anna's Hummingbird, primaries (note even width of inner versus outer primaries), female, Waterloo, Jefferson Co 15Nov2015 1
Cynthia Bridge: Anna's Hummingbird wing, female, Waterloo, Jefferson Co 15Nov2015 3
John Horstman (itchydogimages, SINOBUG): PERSONAL FAVOURITE: Oleander Hawk Moth Caterpillar (Daphnis nerii, Sphingidae)
John Horstman (itchydogimages, SINOBUG): Stinging Nettle Slug Caterpillar (Cup Moth, Setora baibarana, Limacodidae) "The Clown"