biguglystuff: happy swans
biguglystuff: Cackling goose
biguglystuff: mallard
biguglystuff: wood duck
biguglystuff: Hooded Merganser
biguglystuff: Hooded Merganser
biguglystuff: Hooded Merganser
biguglystuff: killdeer
biguglystuff: foggy egret at Middle Creek
biguglystuff: egret in the fog 3
biguglystuff: egret in the fog 1
biguglystuff: Cattle Egret
biguglystuff: great blue heron
biguglystuff: green heron
biguglystuff: Virginia rail w/ chick
biguglystuff: Limpkin
biguglystuff: Hudsonian Godwit
biguglystuff: Turkey
biguglystuff: ring-necked pheasant
biguglystuff: ring necked pheasant
biguglystuff: pheasant in snow
biguglystuff: wilson's snipe
biguglystuff: Wilson's Snipe
biguglystuff: red-tailed hawk
biguglystuff: short-eared owl
biguglystuff: grasshopper sparrow
biguglystuff: swamp sparrow
biguglystuff: white-crowned sparrow
biguglystuff: pine siskin