biguglystuff: backyard Carolina Chickadee
biguglystuff: 20160103_26
biguglystuff: backyard junco
biguglystuff: backyard downy woodpecker
biguglystuff: red bellied woodpecker
biguglystuff: yellow bellied sapsucker
biguglystuff: backyard brn headed cowbird
biguglystuff: backyard brown headed cowbird
biguglystuff: yard crow
biguglystuff: Is he trying to tell me something??
biguglystuff: 20160130_2
biguglystuff: blue jay
biguglystuff: carolina wren - yard
biguglystuff: the chipping sparrows are back!
biguglystuff: white throated sparrow
biguglystuff: white breasted nuthatch
biguglystuff: goldfinch
biguglystuff: hermit thrush
biguglystuff: brown creeper
biguglystuff: eastern towhee
biguglystuff: dark eyed junco - Oregon
biguglystuff: a 1st for the yard - yellow warbler
biguglystuff: cedar waxwing
biguglystuff: female black and white warbler
biguglystuff: red eyed vireo