biguglystuff: Common Buckeye
biguglystuff: Common Buckeye
biguglystuff: common buckeye
biguglystuff: DSC_5017
biguglystuff: red admiral
biguglystuff: red admiral
biguglystuff: red admiral
biguglystuff: a nice pearl crescent in the yard
biguglystuff: Pearl Crescent
biguglystuff: Pearl Crescents
biguglystuff: Field Crescent butterfly
biguglystuff: eastern comma
biguglystuff: American lady 2
biguglystuff: American Lady
biguglystuff: monarch on coneflower
biguglystuff: monarch
biguglystuff: Monarch
biguglystuff: viceroy
biguglystuff: Fritillary in the yard
biguglystuff: great spangled frittilary
biguglystuff: getting that last drop of nectar ...
biguglystuff: zebra swallowtail
biguglystuff: 20150530_103
biguglystuff: first Spicebush Swallowtail EVER in my yard!
biguglystuff: spicebush swallowtail
biguglystuff: TWINS!
biguglystuff: eastern swallowtail
biguglystuff: swallowtail - love the color contrasts
biguglystuff: eastern tiger swallowtail
biguglystuff: Eastern Tiger Swallowtail 2