ian_inverarity: Common...
ian_inverarity: Tasty dead tree
ian_inverarity: Looking up!
ian_inverarity: Something good here
ian_inverarity: I hate it when he does that
ian_inverarity: He's still doing it, isn't he?
ian_inverarity: That looks a long way down!
ian_inverarity: I'm not a chicken!
ian_inverarity: Chook pigeon
ian_inverarity: Who's this guy?
ian_inverarity: I'm not poking my tongue out at you!
ian_inverarity: Rest stop
ian_inverarity: It's too humid...
ian_inverarity: Who are you??
ian_inverarity: Hoping for more food
ian_inverarity: I'm awake!
ian_inverarity: So sleepy...
ian_inverarity: Pretty colours
ian_inverarity: Young one
ian_inverarity: Where's dinner?
ian_inverarity: Losing patience