paulwhitmarshastro: Lovejoy_stack3_med
paulwhitmarshastro: Orion2012and13
paulwhitmarshastro: M8_Sigma16BitStretch
paulwhitmarshastro: Luna Eclipse Phase Two
paulwhitmarshastro: Luna Eclipse Phase one
paulwhitmarshastro: Fly Past Moon
paulwhitmarshastro: Waxing Moon
paulwhitmarshastro: The Plough visited by holiday makers
paulwhitmarshastro: Cassiopea rising
paulwhitmarshastro: Prism Spectacular
paulwhitmarshastro: I just love physics
paulwhitmarshastro: The Moon sailing in a Cirrus sea
paulwhitmarshastro: The Moon sailing in a Cirrus sea
paulwhitmarshastro: The Moon sailing in a Cirrus sea
paulwhitmarshastro: The Moon sailing in a Cirrus sea
paulwhitmarshastro: Earth Shadow enchroaching on the Moon
paulwhitmarshastro: Persid 2016
paulwhitmarshastro: Merry Dancers
paulwhitmarshastro: Merry Dancers
paulwhitmarshastro: Merry Dancers
paulwhitmarshastro: Proton Arc
paulwhitmarshastro: Proton Arc
paulwhitmarshastro: Merry Dancers
paulwhitmarshastro: Proton Arc cuts through the Milky Way
paulwhitmarshastro: Luna Eclipse 4th April 1996
paulwhitmarshastro: The Owl Nebula M97
paulwhitmarshastro: After a long night.