M12B: Luchita¨ piscinosa
M12B: H y La Mora
M12B: Spiderman o rapás fai fotos / Spiderman the boy takes pics
M12B: Mi máquina de abducir / My abducer machine
M12B: Madrid. De Noche / Madrid. On nite
M12B: Alcoholic
M12B: Mickey se hincha a globos / Mickey's blown up by ballons
M12B: H y Chinito
M12B: Xmas Souvenirs
M12B: Bajo el gorro / Under the hat
M12B: Yiha!
M12B: H toyz
M12B: L 4 Lo_oser
M12B: H Lo_oser
M12B: Me & her
M12B: AeroH
M12B: Kosmonautas
M12B: Wwhhaatt@·$$%&!!!???
M12B: Gente Lomo! / LomoCrowd!
M12B: En su casco de astronauta / Inside his astronaut helmet
M12B: Smiiiile!
M12B: H selfportrait
M12B: Flyer fiesta Lomo (12oz a su dcha!!) / Flyer from Lomoparty (me at the right side)
M12B: Mmmm, interesante... Lo estudiaré / Mmm interesting... I'll check it
M12B: Gente Lomo! (2) /Lomo crowd! (2)
M12B: Ein?
M12B: Happy Slurpy People
M12B: & the winner is... Luchita¨!!!!
M12B: Bath&Room
M12B: Troco de xogo / Game change