M12B: Luchita¨
M12B: White balloons tryin' 2 release
M12B: El color de la basura de la vida
M12B: El embarazo masivo de China
M12B: cámara y acción
M12B: Unknown
M12B: Luchita¨ piscinosa
M12B: Historia D'1 Xoguete / Story of a toy
M12B: Areia thru Xpro with Cosina
M12B: fLO!
M12B: 'Extorsions' in the sky
M12B: My Own 'Outer' Mostar
M12B: ELLAS, Las Putas / THEM, the whores
M12B: Obras en Madrid (construyendo Madrid) / Madrid under construction
M12B: Puntos de fugacidade / Vanishing (fleetingness) points
M12B: Dammi una Vespa e ti porto in vacanza! / Gimme a Vespa and I'll take you!
M12B: Su espejo retrovisor, gracias / Your rear-view mirror, thanks
M12B: Follow the TrafficLites
M12B: Carreras por Madrid / Runnigs around Madrid
M12B: TraNSeúnTES / Transients
M12B: Traffic in the Sky
M12B: Atardecer en la Puerta del Sol / Sunset at Puerta del Sol
M12B: ELLAS, Las Putas / THEM, the whores
M12B: Solaris
M12B: Zz
M12B: Zz
M12B: Zz
M12B: Zz
M12B: Zz
M12B: Zz