FreezerOfPhotons: My father has run out of things to say.
FreezerOfPhotons: At the glory hole
FreezerOfPhotons: My father, waiting until the shutter relases so he can continue his story.
FreezerOfPhotons: My mother, amused by me.
FreezerOfPhotons: Fixing a wardrobe issue.
FreezerOfPhotons: My mother scowls at something I say or do.
FreezerOfPhotons: CanFT-FL50f1.4-UP64+Xtol-2090c
FreezerOfPhotons: Selfie in Publix.
FreezerOfPhotons: R3M-J3-ilP4-X-2177c
FreezerOfPhotons: My trudy.
FreezerOfPhotons: My trudy.
FreezerOfPhotons: Not enough space between frames
FreezerOfPhotons: My mother
FreezerOfPhotons: My mother
FreezerOfPhotons: Getting situated.
FreezerOfPhotons: 30 minute exposure. Pinhole Dashcam.
FreezerOfPhotons: Looking for the lost conversation
FreezerOfPhotons: EDXpin-A1+X-2581d
FreezerOfPhotons: EDXpin-A1+X-2581b
FreezerOfPhotons: EDXpin-A1+X-2581a
FreezerOfPhotons: As the lights go by
FreezerOfPhotons: On Sundays I golf. I hate golf.
FreezerOfPhotons: Me, taken by Kathy
FreezerOfPhotons: Trudy, no longer wondering what I'm doing with my pinhole camera.