FreezerOfPhotons: Instamatic, not hipstamatic
FreezerOfPhotons: Instamatic, not hipstamatic
FreezerOfPhotons: Instamatic, not hipstamatic
FreezerOfPhotons: Instamatic, not hipstamatic
FreezerOfPhotons: Instamatic, not hipstamatic
FreezerOfPhotons: Light leaks on my first 126 respool.
FreezerOfPhotons: I'm in there. Twice.
FreezerOfPhotons: Overlapping 126 frames
FreezerOfPhotons: RolleiA26-KGold400+UniC41-1877a
FreezerOfPhotons: Conjoined frames
FreezerOfPhotons: Conjoined Frames. I'll figure out the spacing eventually.
FreezerOfPhotons: Sunset Table
FreezerOfPhotons: Loren, Lora Beth, Diane on a dock. The frame on the right was when the camera popped open.
FreezerOfPhotons: My wife looking at me like I am a befuddled idiot with my 126 camera
FreezerOfPhotons: Lighting the way
FreezerOfPhotons: What do you think, is this a handycapped spot?
FreezerOfPhotons: I've been there.
FreezerOfPhotons: St. Francis
FreezerOfPhotons: Light leaks