FreezerOfPhotons: Edinex-XX250+Xtol-1801a
FreezerOfPhotons: Edinex-XX250+Xtol-1801b
FreezerOfPhotons: Light leaks on my first 126 respool.
FreezerOfPhotons: Edinex-UF100+Xtol-1912a
FreezerOfPhotons: Edinex-UF100+Xtol-1913a
FreezerOfPhotons: Edinex-UF100+Xtol-1914a
FreezerOfPhotons: Edinex-UF100+Xtol-1914b
FreezerOfPhotons: EDXpin-A1+X-2581d
FreezerOfPhotons: EDXpin-A1+X-2581c
FreezerOfPhotons: EDXpin-A1+X-2581b
FreezerOfPhotons: EDXpin-A1+X-2581a
FreezerOfPhotons: My office is right in the middle of the second floor windows.
FreezerOfPhotons: Me, looking at photography books in the library.
FreezerOfPhotons: At the front door. Waiting. Ready. Why you taking so long?
FreezerOfPhotons: In a cloud of ghost
FreezerOfPhotons: Trudy near the line
FreezerOfPhotons: As the lights go by
FreezerOfPhotons: Driving while pinholing
FreezerOfPhotons: A bolt from the heavens.
FreezerOfPhotons: Over the hill and through the woods.
FreezerOfPhotons: Pinholie (pinhole selfie).
FreezerOfPhotons: Riverfront through a .3mm hole onto film