FreezerOfPhotons: Me, taken by Kathy
FreezerOfPhotons: X570-50_1.8-IlP4+X-2709b
FreezerOfPhotons: Something for everyone. Unless you're a Bud Light drinker. In that case, none of this is for you. Except for the Bud Light.
FreezerOfPhotons: Crumbs from a cookie I did not eat.
FreezerOfPhotons: The emptiness of seating.
FreezerOfPhotons: High and dry and the end of the roll.
FreezerOfPhotons: You could be home by now
FreezerOfPhotons: Warehouse
FreezerOfPhotons: Machine that does something cool and very specialized
FreezerOfPhotons: Ties turned bollards
FreezerOfPhotons: Empty for some time