leafy tenement: Stack Macker, Bug Man
leafy tenement: Stack Macker Arrives on Scene
leafy tenement: Getting Psyched
leafy tenement: Stack Macker Always Stretches
leafy tenement: Going In!
leafy tenement: Considering Dispersion
leafy tenement: Unleashing Shock & Awe on the Fleas
leafy tenement: Covered in Fleas! Emergency Dip in the Pool
leafy tenement: Washed Clean
leafy tenement: A Weary Stack Macker Heads for the Door
leafy tenement: A Job Well Done
leafy tenement: Stack Macker's First Celebrity Client - woohoo!
leafy tenement: Stack Macker Comment
leafy tenement: Bohemian Potentate
leafy tenement: Stack Uplifted
leafy tenement: Stack in Willie Nelson disguise
leafy tenement: Stack in bat disguise
leafy tenement: Bat Mask/Jazz Hands
leafy tenement: Bat Disguise
leafy tenement: Stack in Spray Sock
leafy tenement: Suprised Stack in Spray Sock
leafy tenement: Shrimp Donation
leafy tenement: Stack casting
leafy tenement: Solitary Stack fishing
leafy tenement: Attiring Stack in Spray Sock
leafy tenement: Attiring Stack in Spray Sock
leafy tenement: Christmas Disguise
leafy tenement: Santa's Helper?
leafy tenement: Inspecting the Deer
leafy tenement: In the Bushes