officialtheaspiring: The Aspiring C.3 | Official Cast | AMBER J
officialtheaspiring: The Aspiring C.3 | Theme 1
officialtheaspiring: The Aspiring C.2 | Week 2 | AMBER J
officialtheaspiring: The Aspiring C.3 | Week 3 | AMBER J
officialtheaspiring: The Aspiring C.3 | Week 4 | AMBER J
officialtheaspiring: The Aspiring C.3 | Week 5 | AMBER J
officialtheaspiring: The Aspring C.2 | Week 6 | AMBER J
officialtheaspiring: The Aspiring C.3 | Week 7 | AMBER J
officialtheaspiring: The Aspiring C.3 | Week 8 | AMBER J
officialtheaspiring: The Aspiring C.3 | Week 8 - Mini Challenge | AMBER J
officialtheaspiring: The Aspiring C.3 | Week 9 | AMBER D & AMBER J
officialtheaspiring: The Aspiring C.3 | Week 10 | AMBER J
officialtheaspiring: The Aspiring C.3 | Week 11 | Amber
officialtheaspiring: The Aspiring C.3 | Week 12 | AMBER
officialtheaspiring: The Aspiring C.3 | FINALE - PT 1 |AMBER
officialtheaspiring: The Aspiring C.3 | FINALE - PT 2 | AMBER
officialtheaspiring: TA3 Album Covers