tadeasplachy: Happy couple
tadeasplachy: The orb in Vatican courtyard
tadeasplachy: Say cheese
tadeasplachy: Spanish stairs II.
tadeasplachy: Spanish stairs
tadeasplachy: Look what have the Romans built!
tadeasplachy: Godess in front of Pantheon
tadeasplachy: Castel Sant'Angelo
tadeasplachy: Happiest day of life
tadeasplachy: It is Colossal!
tadeasplachy: Watering hole
tadeasplachy: Pantheon
tadeasplachy: The bridge
tadeasplachy: Second take on roof of Panthen
tadeasplachy: Pantheon
tadeasplachy: Self portrait in shop
tadeasplachy: Man and his horse
tadeasplachy: Pantheon from slight angle
tadeasplachy: Strange scuplture at Vatican