dorotheazinsser: (Es war einmal) ein Spinnennetz!
dorotheazinsser: Himmlisches Wintergold
dorotheazinsser: Freezing Trees. :-)
dorotheazinsser: Open gate
dorotheazinsser: Sunday on the horseback
dorotheazinsser: Zwischen Stadt und Wald
dorotheazinsser: Winteroak
dorotheazinsser: Allee zum Hainig
dorotheazinsser: Versteckter Pilz. Hidden mushroom
dorotheazinsser: 2017-01-23
dorotheazinsser: Komm mit in die Winterwelt
dorotheazinsser: Es schneit.
dorotheazinsser: Ein bisschen Winter
dorotheazinsser: Flechten
dorotheazinsser: Hier war ein Hase, Trace of a Hare.
dorotheazinsser: Schneehäubchen
dorotheazinsser: Winter!!!
dorotheazinsser: Solitär
dorotheazinsser: It's nearly time....
dorotheazinsser: out of the woods
dorotheazinsser: Absperrzaun, HFF!
dorotheazinsser: Ein herrlicher Wintertag
dorotheazinsser: gefrostet
dorotheazinsser: - 11° C / 12,2° F
dorotheazinsser: Brennessel
dorotheazinsser: Buchenblatt
dorotheazinsser: Marienkäfer an Lärche
dorotheazinsser: Weidezaun