dorotheazinsser: Ein strahlendes Löwenzahnpärchen
dorotheazinsser: Biene auf Sonnenhut
dorotheazinsser: Brunnenkresse
dorotheazinsser: Pilzchen
dorotheazinsser: Sonnenfänger
dorotheazinsser: After the Rain.
dorotheazinsser: Waldsauerklee /Oxalis acetosella
dorotheazinsser: Coming out.
dorotheazinsser: Wiesen-Storchschnabel (Geranium pratense)
dorotheazinsser: Be careful - I'm watching you! HMM!
dorotheazinsser: Früchtchen
dorotheazinsser: Herzilein...
dorotheazinsser: Wanze im Grün
dorotheazinsser: Herbstlaub
dorotheazinsser: Kleiner Lichtblick
dorotheazinsser: Regen heute Abend.
dorotheazinsser: Past and Future!
dorotheazinsser: Das 1. Blatt.
dorotheazinsser: Bittersüßer Nachtschatten
dorotheazinsser: Dreaming