dorotheazinsser: Little visitor
dorotheazinsser: Schwarzspecht
dorotheazinsser: Schwarzspecht
dorotheazinsser: Little snail
dorotheazinsser: We are hungry....
dorotheazinsser: Zitronenfalter
dorotheazinsser: Schwarzstorch ade...
dorotheazinsser: Schwarzstorch
dorotheazinsser: Grashüpfer
dorotheazinsser: On top...
dorotheazinsser: Der kleinen Spinne fette Beute...
dorotheazinsser: Margerite mit Mücke
dorotheazinsser: Überraschung bei meiner Abendrunde...
dorotheazinsser: Little Bee
dorotheazinsser: Little Insect on my skirt
dorotheazinsser: What it think about me?
dorotheazinsser: Rettungsaktion
dorotheazinsser: Junger Turmfalke
dorotheazinsser: Busy Bee
dorotheazinsser: Poppy and Hover fly
dorotheazinsser: Poppy and Hover fly
dorotheazinsser: Große Schwebfliege
dorotheazinsser: Bläuling
dorotheazinsser: Soll ich?
dorotheazinsser: Tagpfauenauge