dorotheazinsser: Lienchen
dorotheazinsser: Right Weather for Harvest
dorotheazinsser: My Summer, HCT
dorotheazinsser: Geometry, HCT!
dorotheazinsser: Candle in the Night
dorotheazinsser: Allerlei Bücher
dorotheazinsser: Made of Metal
dorotheazinsser: Der Sound vom Küchenabzug
dorotheazinsser: Plastic Springs
dorotheazinsser: Orange & Black, HCT!
dorotheazinsser: Blue Sphere in Sunset, HCT!
dorotheazinsser: Full moon behind light clouds
dorotheazinsser: Broken, HCT!
dorotheazinsser: Amethyst
dorotheazinsser: Selfmade Dino
dorotheazinsser: Alle Jahre wieder....
dorotheazinsser: Lebkuchen
dorotheazinsser: Upside down, HCT!
dorotheazinsser: singing bowl and clapper, HCT
dorotheazinsser: Paper Clips, HCT!
dorotheazinsser: Smartphone Cord, HCT
dorotheazinsser: 491,54°F
dorotheazinsser: Dann schon eher der Pianoplayer...
dorotheazinsser: ... und Erwachsne ebenso ;-))
dorotheazinsser: Frozen Brussels Sprouts