laajis: There I was, and suddenly your mirror image
laajis: IMG_1038
laajis: IMG_1037
laajis: IMG_1035
laajis: PC040004
laajis: PC040002
laajis: IMG_0689
laajis: IMG_0688
laajis: Girls
laajis: Something in the dark
laajis: burning olive leaves on a seashell and a shard of rhodes
laajis: bottom of glass 2
laajis: bottom of glass 1
laajis: evening walk
laajis: Laibach
laajis: Laibach
laajis: Laibach
laajis: drinking party
laajis: shadows on the wall
laajis: shadows on the wall
laajis: reflections on them
laajis: variety of clouds
laajis: a smoker reflected
laajis: clouds
laajis: halo
laajis: mountain pool
laajis: the world through a fresnel lens
laajis: dark in the lighthouse
laajis: in the shadow of the lighthouse
laajis: shadow animal