Fantastic Brick:
colorful marbled Lego Bayer bricks
Fantastic Brick:
neon Lego Bayer bricks
Fantastic Brick:
green Bayer ABCD bricks - molding error
Fantastic Brick:
2x4 Bayer bricks, old logo, transish neon orange
Fantastic Brick:
Bayer old logo bricks, transish neon orange
Fantastic Brick:
Bayer old logo, transish neon orange
Fantastic Brick:
dark neon orange ABCD Bayer bricks
Fantastic Brick:
8xC Bayer "milk coffee" bricks
Fantastic Brick:
8xC Bayer "milk coffee" bricks against light
Fantastic Brick:
8xC pure ABS Bayer bricks with different yellow color parts and shades
Fantastic Brick:
8xC Bayer bricks with different yellow color parts and shades against light
Fantastic Brick:
Lego Bayer 8xf - medium green
Fantastic Brick:
Bayer 8xF and 7xF+1xE, capital letters
Fantastic Brick:
Bayer 8xF and 7xF+1xE bottom
Fantastic Brick:
Bayer 8xf - both mold types
Fantastic Brick:
Lego Bayer banana bricks
Fantastic Brick:
Lego Bayer 8xf - orchid colors
Fantastic Brick:
Lego Bayer 7xC salmon
Fantastic Brick:
Lego Bayer - aqua colors
Fantastic Brick:
Lego Bayer old logo - little bit darker than aqua, semi translucent against light
Fantastic Brick:
Comparing trans milky clear BASF to Bayer
Fantastic Brick:
Comparing trans milky clear BASF to Bayer
Fantastic Brick:
Lego Bayer 8xC - black / flesh marbled
Fantastic Brick:
Lego Bayer 8xC beauty - milky / yellow / white marbled
Fantastic Brick:
Lego Bayer 8xC - pearl (light?) silver
Fantastic Brick:
Comparing 8xC "pearl light silver" to BL pearl light gray
Fantastic Brick:
Lego Bayer 8xC "dirty" yellow
Fantastic Brick:
"Sad" 8xC brick - shedding a teardrop
Fantastic Brick:
Bayer 8xC lemon yellow
Fantastic Brick:
Another Bayer "dirt" brick