ChuckHolliday: Introduction - Brazil-Rio Aripuanã birding with Field Guides
ChuckHolliday: Our four guides
ChuckHolliday: Chuck in birding camo
ChuckHolliday: Pat and Chuck reflected in a window and happy on the fast launch down the Rio Amazonas
ChuckHolliday: White-browed hawk, Leucopternis kuhli
ChuckHolliday: Movie: Boarding Tumbira
ChuckHolliday: Cleaning the day's catch
ChuckHolliday: Recording bird calls
ChuckHolliday: Movie: Special birding beer was issued to all hands for this afternoon's aquatic foray.
ChuckHolliday: Birding towel art in our Tumbira stateroom
ChuckHolliday: Large ant nest on a tree
ChuckHolliday: Movie: Ant nest after a loud yell
ChuckHolliday: The Tumbira's crew sometimes went fishing on Tumbira's fantail or in one of the small boats while we were out birding. We ate the fish they caught for dinner; they were tasty!
ChuckHolliday: Perched dragonfly, probably a Rainforest bluewing, Zenithoptera fasciata
ChuckHolliday: In a varzea forest with guide Bret Whitney
ChuckHolliday: Movie: Happy birders on the move
ChuckHolliday: Chestnut-eared Aricari, Pteroglossus castanotis, on an acaí palm
ChuckHolliday: Panorama: The last of the day's birding aboard Tumbira
ChuckHolliday: Chestnut-eared Aracaris, Pteroglossus castanotis
ChuckHolliday: Movie: Sharpening a machete to clear our birding trail
ChuckHolliday: Movie: Clearing a birding path on an island in the Rio Madeira
ChuckHolliday: Stormy day on the Rio Madeira
ChuckHolliday: Chestnut-eared Aracari, Pteroglossus castanotis
ChuckHolliday: On the trail with our guides
ChuckHolliday: White-browed antbird, Myrmoborus leucophrys
ChuckHolliday: Stick insect, probably Pseudophasma bispinata.
ChuckHolliday: Cattle being ferried to market
ChuckHolliday: High-water fish burrows in a riverbank
ChuckHolliday: On the fast launch up the Rio Madiera
ChuckHolliday: Beautiful Brazilian palms