knitalatte11: fields of sunflowers
knitalatte11: put a flower on it
knitalatte11: blue fields
knitalatte11: put a flower on it
knitalatte11: fields of sunflowers
knitalatte11: red cross
knitalatte11: blue fields
knitalatte11: red cross
knitalatte11: one skein knitted turban
knitalatte11: couldn't find a model
knitalatte11: the land of ghost clothing
knitalatte11: knitting this pattern again after over two decades
knitalatte11: the circle of life
knitalatte11: of my own design
knitalatte11: obsessed with the inside
knitalatte11: WIP blue bench monday
knitalatte11: blue work in progress
knitalatte11: words for blue piece in progress
knitalatte11: back to work in progress
knitalatte11: all a flutter
knitalatte11: basking in the spring warmth
knitalatte11: sunshine
knitalatte11: stitching up a little flyer
knitalatte11: indigo stitches
knitalatte11: indigo stitches
knitalatte11: indigo stitches
knitalatte11: indigo stitches
knitalatte11: indigo stitches
knitalatte11: indigo stitches
knitalatte11: nova scotia reader :)