knitalatte11: the merfish are all ready for the etsy shop update friday 4 pm EST
knitalatte11: this clock has 9 hours
knitalatte11: stones and merfish
knitalatte11: starfish et al
knitalatte11: it takes a spider three hours to complete a web
knitalatte11: my precious
knitalatte11: swedish fish meet merfish
knitalatte11: swimming around the rock
knitalatte11: The Answer is Arabidopsis
knitalatte11: travelling south to visit a friend
knitalatte11: the pentagon is holding an emergency meeting
knitalatte11: merfish, sea stones, shells, brain coral and sea weed
knitalatte11: lucky 13 and a couple of merfish
knitalatte11: feathers, sea glass and covered sea stones
knitalatte11: close proximity
knitalatte11: already swimming away from home
knitalatte11: shades of yellow
knitalatte11: quartet
knitalatte11: yellow merfish collection
knitalatte11: some turn a yellow spot into a sun
knitalatte11: size doesn't matter when two fish are in love
knitalatte11: love in the land of sea shells
knitalatte11: named Feste for the jester in Twelfth Night
knitalatte11: first of the merfish necklaces
knitalatte11: red fish, blue fish, green fish, jester fish
knitalatte11: come in for a dip the water is so cool
knitalatte11: i made an important discovery today
knitalatte11: heading for the surface
knitalatte11: the love spiral
knitalatte11: all I really need is a song in my heart and love in my family