Alex Nebot: The Building
Alex Nebot: Lines and boxes . ( Linee e caselle )
Alex Nebot: Red Desing . ( Edificio Rosso ) . Toyo Ito.
Alex Nebot: Noon in the City of Justice . ( Mezzogiorno nella città della giustizia )
Alex Nebot: Arquitectura Efimera .Bcn
Alex Nebot: Curves and Lines .
Alex Nebot: The House of Thousand Eyes . ( Casa Mille Occhi )
Alex Nebot: La Colmena - ( the Beehive )
Alex Nebot: Escalera al cielo. (stairway to heaven )
Alex Nebot: Amici per sempre , Friends forever ( El gos i el Piruli )
Alex Nebot: Look at me my friend , Guardami mio amico
Alex Nebot: L'occhio che tutto vede . ( The all-seeing eye )
Alex Nebot: Taking a sun bath, Relaxing in the City.
Alex Nebot: Casa Batlló , Bcn ( B&W)
Alex Nebot: Escola d'Estudis Superiors i Universitaris Formatic.
Alex Nebot: Open Wide Sky. ( building trade barcelona ) .
Alex Nebot: To infinity and beyond.( Buzz Lightyear 1995 ) .
Alex Nebot: Tower have had to dance alone , friends forever . ( torre ens ha tocat ballar sols, amics per sempre )
Alex Nebot: Edificis Trade . Les Corts . ( reflections in town )
Alex Nebot: Reflections in the Big City . ( Riflessioni in una Grande Città )
Alex Nebot: Red Lines .
Alex Nebot: The Windows . ( Les fenêtres )
Alex Nebot: Les lumières de la station . ( The lights of the station )
Alex Nebot: Colori e Finestre . ( Colors and Windows )
Alex Nebot: Mirant el Cel . ( Mirando al cielo )
Alex Nebot: Marks of a dark past . Scars of War. ( Cicatrius de la Guerra . )