alexandregiltrens: VLI - GE BB36-7 # 8520 / ZBL - 05/08/2016
alexandregiltrens: VLI - GE BB36-7 # 8520 / ZBL - 05/08/2016
alexandregiltrens: VLI - GE BB36-7 # 8520 / ZBL - 05/08/2016
alexandregiltrens: VLI - GE BB36-7 # 8520 / ZBL - 05/08/2016
alexandregiltrens: VLI - GE BB36-7 # 8520 / ZBL - 05/08/2016
alexandregiltrens: Locomotives maneuvering some cars in the courtyard of the Boa Vista Nova station in Campinas / SP and the service vehicle and chemical weeding FCA - CLG # 175 - ZBL - 08/05/2016
alexandregiltrens: VL! - GE BB36-7 # 8520 - ZBL - 31/12/2017
alexandregiltrens: VL! - GE BB36-7 # 8520 - ZBL - 31/12/2017