q70images: University of Texas campus Sculptor, Pompeo Coppini
q70images: Pop Art and catering truck Austin,Texas.
q70images: 1966 Cadillac Deville
q70images: 20 story crane I climbed in Austin,Texas.
q70images: Rural Lockhart,Texas
q70images: Nothing seems out of the ordinary in Austin,Texas,
q70images: Nothing seems out of the ordinary in Austin,Texas,
q70images: Fifty foot sculpture"Monochrome" incorporates 70 aluminum canoes and small boats. University of Texas
q70images: 10 foot sculpture of daisy.
q70images: Little girl gazing out the window.
q70images: Pier in the Emerald coast, Florida
q70images: Don't judge the path I choose to take if you haven't walked the journey I had to make.
q70images: Bill a real gold prospector I met on the steam train who lives in a teepee in Durango Colorado by a river and behind a mountain.Someone asked him,"Are you rich?"His response was,"I already am rich living here."Good answer Bill.
q70images: Young locomotive engineer Silverton, Colorado.
q70images: The grandeur of Yosemite.