steve_holzman: Song Sparrow
steve_holzman: Northern Cardinal
steve_holzman: Pine Siskins/American Goldfinch
steve_holzman: Mourning Dove
steve_holzman: Blue Jay
steve_holzman: Common Grackle
steve_holzman: American Robin and Red-winged Blackbird
steve_holzman: Cedar Waxwings
steve_holzman: Brown Thrasher
steve_holzman: Hermit Thrush
steve_holzman: Brown-headed Cowbird
steve_holzman: House Finch
steve_holzman: Eurasian Collared-Dove
steve_holzman: Eastern Bluebird
steve_holzman: Chipping Sparrow
steve_holzman: Barred Owl !!!
steve_holzman: Scarlet Tanager
steve_holzman: Eastern Towhee
steve_holzman: Yellow-rumped Warbler
steve_holzman: Red-bellied Woodpecker
steve_holzman: Blue Jay
steve_holzman: American Goldfinch
steve_holzman: Gray Catbird
steve_holzman: Baby Possum
steve_holzman: Blue Grosbeak2
steve_holzman: Carolina Wren
steve_holzman: Raccoon
steve_holzman: Raccoon
steve_holzman: Red-shouldered Hawk at the birdbath pond