barry.florin: The Ferry Arrives.
barry.florin: Waiting to get on.
barry.florin: We are also waiting to get on.
barry.florin: One covered face - One un-coverd face.
barry.florin: Getting off and getting on the ferry.
barry.florin: Next time I'll call FEDEX.
barry.florin: This ferry is quite crowded.
barry.florin: Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
barry.florin: Great Face.
barry.florin: Who needs a chair.
barry.florin: Stoic looking gentleman.
barry.florin: Two direction traffic at each docking.
barry.florin: Were just waiting to dock.
barry.florin: The Captain.
barry.florin: Choreographed Chaos.
barry.florin: The last one off the boat.