LeoniArt: Annapurna range from Sarangkot hill, Nepal
LeoniArt: Scenes from an old past - 01
LeoniArt: Artistic advertising - Pokhara Nepal
LeoniArt: Scenes from an old past - 02
LeoniArt: Scenes from an old past - 03
LeoniArt: Scenes from an old past - 04
LeoniArt: Scenes from an old past - 05
LeoniArt: Scenes from an old past - 06
LeoniArt: The rest
LeoniArt: Pokhara, Nepal
LeoniArt: Scenes from an old past - 08
LeoniArt: Pokhara, Nepal
LeoniArt: Scenes from an old past - 15
LeoniArt: 25 years ago, in a wonderful place...
LeoniArt: Pokhara, Nepal, 1994
LeoniArt: Prayer wheel, Kathmandu, Nepal
LeoniArt: Pain and sadness