jmhstang: DSCF5381.jpg
jmhstang: Juxtaposition_
jmhstang: My ray of Sunshine.
jmhstang: A day at the beach with this little one soothes the soul.
jmhstang: Summer can’t come soon enough.
jmhstang: Ms Grumpy Pants
jmhstang: Enjoying every moment with her.
jmhstang: Playground with a view.
jmhstang: Twinkle twinkle little star.
jmhstang: Ice-cream sandwich anyone
jmhstang: Union House Elementary
jmhstang: Indelible Memories
jmhstang: Capitola
jmhstang: Young Surfers
jmhstang: My Castle in the Clouds.
jmhstang: Portrait of my wife.
jmhstang: DSCF0201.jpg
jmhstang: DSCF0196.jpg
jmhstang: DSCF0168.jpg
jmhstang: Golden Hour
jmhstang: Do you see the world in black & white?
jmhstang: Beyond the fog, lies clarity.