iainmacleod460: Common Redpoll, Ashland, NH
iainmacleod460: Common Redpoll, Ashland, NH
iainmacleod460: Pine Siskin, Ashland, NH
iainmacleod460: Barrow's Goldeneye with Common Goldeneye, Opechee Lake, Laconia, NH
iainmacleod460: Barrow's Goldeneye, Opechee Lake, Laconia, NH
iainmacleod460: Snowy Owl, Rye Harbor S.P., NH 012615
iainmacleod460: Snowy Owl, Rye Harbor S.P, NH, 012615
iainmacleod460: Glaucous Gull, Hampton Harbor, 012615
iainmacleod460: Cedar Waxwing, Plymouth, NH
iainmacleod460: Pine Siskins and Common Redpolls
iainmacleod460: Blue Jay 021615_1_1
iainmacleod460: Adult female Cooper's Hawk
iainmacleod460: American Robin
iainmacleod460: Barred Owl-2
iainmacleod460: Adult female Cooper's Hawk
iainmacleod460: IMG_0890
iainmacleod460: IMG_0853
iainmacleod460: Ring-necked Ducks
iainmacleod460: Red-breasted Merganser